This set was developed way back in 1999 for a 800 X 600 screen resolution.
By today's standards, it is stylistically antiquated
but remains online as a courtesy to those learning and playing in basic HTML.

Reaching into the layers of lace and velvet, she finds her small
treasure box.   Opening the lid carefully... the lilting tune carries her
thoughts to times long ago. Removing the secret bottom, she lifts the delicate jewels and holds them to her throat with memories of the Medieval Faire.

  • FONT: Perry Gothic
  • IMAGES: Only for use on this background
  • PAGE SETUP: Double Horizontal Frames
  • BACKGROUND:  Side Bordered






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Please include the linking logo (below) if you use these graphics.
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All writing, graphics and concept are Copyright © 1999 - Ad Infinitum REGISTERED to
and with ownership belonging to Jann J. All rights reserved.
Use of these images is granted only through the agreement stipulations stated herein.